Property Taxation
Property taxation is a property tax levied on all qualifying non-domestic properties which is collected by local councils.
It is more commonly known as Business Rates and we have specialists who are able to carry out a full survey and report of your property to see whether your property has been correctly assessed.
The government calculates the Rateable Value of your property by looking at the rent and other comparables. The amount of tax you actually pay is calculated by multiplying the assessed Rateable Value by the Uniform Business Rate (UBR) which is set by Central Government. The UBR is also referred to as the Rate Poundage.
It is imperative to receive sound advice from someone who is competent in this area of work as there are many diverse factors which affect the Rateable Value.
A competent practitioner can help reduce their clients Rateable Value permanently for that particular Rating List, achieve temporary reductions and assist in gaining further reduction if material circumstances change during the course of the Rating List.
The Rating List usually lasts five years, the current list commenced 1st April 2010 and was due to end 31st March 2015 but Government has extended it by two years
More importantly the rules have changed and only one appeal can be lodged during the Rating List period, therefore it is imperative that you choose wisely when looking for guidance in dealing with your Business Rates.
We are proud to say that as well as being members of the RICS we are also members of Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV) a specialist body set up specifically for dealing with Revenues, Rating and Valuation.
Furthermore we operate a success based fee structure for Rating and if we are not successful in achieving a reduction in your RateableValue and achieving you savings then there is no charge for our service.